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Take a Step

There is no substitute. While you can use all the attraction techniques in the world, there is no better way to create life-changing and earth-shattering momentum than by striding off in the direction of your goals. Most people don't realize that when we start things we set the inertia of life into motion that usually allows us to keep moving toward our goals. The best way to get to the gym, for example, is to start moving toward the gym. Chances are you'll get there. While this is mostly true for small tasks, some argue that the same doesn't hold true in bigger projects that require months or years to complete. Let me make it simple: those people are wrong. It's just a matter of stringing a few of those steps together and ensuring that each day you take a step in the direction of your goals. This is what it means to find success in the journey, not the destination. It's about ensuring that each day you spend deliberate time moving towards your goals. Here's the thing about that too: you can collaborate, delegate, empower, and entrust all you want. But if you want to take it up to the next level (whatever that means to you), you have to execute too. Every day. I remember running my first long distance running race, amazed at just how much support there was for every step I took, or every challenge I would face. There were people giving us water, sponges soaked with water, energy gels, and food. There were even people with drums and horns and all kinds of amazing noise makers to help support us on our way as well. It was incredible. But running the race was up to me. I had all the support in the world, but I had to take the steps - all 13 plus miles worth. Doing that first long-distance run was an intense experience, and there were lots of reasons why I never should have been attempting it. I had just landed the night before from an international trip. I had also injured myself three weeks before the race day. The truth is the day before the race I had talked myself into quitting. I told myself that no one would mind and that there was no reason to push myself with all the cards stacked against me. The injury, the lack of sleep and jetlag, and the dehydration was all too much to overcome. The next morning I woke up pretty sure that I wasn't going to run the race. A part of me wanted to, but most of me had quit. The oddest thing happened though, because soon afterwards emails, texts, and voice mails of encouragement started to come in for my race day. Now I knew I had to go. I couldn't disappoint all those people supporting me by quitting without trying. I hadn't realized it at the time, but an incredible thing happened when I set out to start the race. I was 100% guaranteed to finish it. The very moment that I set out to do it, there was no way that I wasn't going to finish the race. The only thing that would be a question was how long it would take me. It is the same for all our goals. If we start moving toward them, the only thing we don't know is how long it will take us to complete them. But if we keep moving we will complete them. Success is a journey, not a destination. I call the people who supported me before I left for the race and at the race itself my spotters. They were there to protect me, encourage me, and push me when I needed it. None of them were there to do it for me. But a weird thing happened. When I showed up, courage showed up. So it is with execution as a leader. Leading a team and being consistent in execution is key to success. Take the time today to decide to take a step, each day, in the direction of your goals. Pick one, the most important one to you, and keep at it ... every day. Block out 30 minutes on your calendar each day this week and make progress on your number one priority. Don't forget to recruit some spotters - become accountable to them. Make sure they they can help you show up every day. There's no way to avoid it. There is no substitute. All you need is a step. Make it a great day!



About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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