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The First Ever Paper Napkin Wisdom Podcast - Gina Mollicone-Long

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

Gina Mollicone-Long is a serial entrepreneur, a bestselling author, and CEO of The Greatness Group. I met Gina in October of 2012 for dinner after an Entrepreneurs Organization event and shared with her my idea of one day writing a book called Paper Napkin Wisdom. I said I’d like to have it done by 2015, but she challenged me to shorten that timeline to April of 2014. I’ve largely ignored that deadline, but after some thought and discussion with a few of my peers, I decided to start with a podcast and let everything follow from there.

Welcome to the first episode of the Paper Napkin Wisdom Podcast. As I launch this podcast, I can’t help but think it’s appropriate we start with Gina. Gina is in the business of teaching people how to shift into the greatness they already have the potential for; she teaches the process of change.  In our conversation, Gina explains her firm belief that desire is proof of capability. The fact that you want something, says Gina, is proof that you already have what it takes to get it. She uses the example of a baby learning to walk. At the age of two months, for example, a baby has no desire to learn to walk because they don’t have all the components for walking developed yet. Their bones aren’t strong enough yet to support them, they don’t have the sight or special reasoning they need yet. It’s when a baby has developed and grown enough that they start to pull themselves up and try to take wobbly steps. Once the capability is there, the desire begins and from there it’s a matter of practice, trial, and error. This process doesn't change with age, says Gina. It’s a matter of having all the dots and just needing to connect them. You need to get to that breakthrough moment. The potential for greatness is there but the only person who can reveal it is you.

"It's a matter of having all the dots and just needing to connect them." “Who you’re going to be tomorrow is decided by who you are today,” says Gina. Today I’m starting a journey of learning and sharing, I hope it’s one you’ll join me on, and I look forward to finding out who it makes me tomorrow. I have the desire, I have the dots, and it’s time to start connecting them. Listen to my conversation with Gina here:

Gina's book Think or Sink: The One Choice That Changes Everything can be found here.


About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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