Align Your Path ...
Go one step deeper when thinking of your vision, think of the twists the turns - the path that you will take to get there. When you do, make sure that you're focused on giving value, serving people, and staying hungry.
Let Passion Be Your Fuel
Leaders, you can't fake it till you make it. You are much more of an open book than you think. But the way to fix that is to give value and be of service. I have never met a top-level entrepreneur that didn't want to leave a legacy. Somewhere in what they all want to do is be of service. If you are generating value in your business for your customers, your suppliers, and your team and you are focused on being of service you will have made a fine start in your business. The feeling of hunger comes from passion - a passion to spread that impact. A hunger fueled with the reality that others will be better off with your impact. Set fire to your Vision by focusing on a Path that reinforces Value and Service. Make it a great day,Govindh@WiseNapkin