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Asking For Help

The journey of this Paper Napkin Wisdom Podcast has been incredible and powerful for me.  I hope that you as listeners have enjoyed this as much as I have enjoyed putting these together. Today, however, I'm asking for your help ... as I gear up for the 2014 schedule of Podcasts I'd really like to hear from you about your thoughts so far.  Who would you like to hear from?  Who do you know that has a great Paper Napkin Wisdom to share with our community of Entrepreneurs, Leaders and Difference Makers? Do you have any feedback for me to consider as I build the schedule for next year? I have plans to end 2013 as strongly as I start 2014 ... there are great Podcasts coming next week and the weeks moving forward. Last night, I had an amazing conversation over dinner with Jack Daly.  His Paper Napkin Wisdom was incredible - and I can promise you he'll be back again.  He reminded me of all the great companies, thoughts, missions and efforts that started with a simple Paper Napkin ... For example, did you know that Rollin King and Herb Kelleher founded Southwest Airlines on a Paper Napkin?  The story goes that King drew a triangle symbolizing the routes from Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio and the Airline was born! Do you know of any other stories of great companies or efforts that were born on a Paper Napkin?  If you do, share them with me! I truly look forward to hearing from you. Book Govindh for your next speaking event here.

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I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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