Give Value ...
When sales are slow and times are challenging so many of us start to scramble.for new relationships, new customers to sell, new customers. If we focus on serving the clients we have with real value, that's important to them, we can go wide and deep with them instead.
It's about the relationship
Leaders, get intimate. There was a time when we were really struggling. When sales were not coming in and we needed them badly. We had fallen well short of our projections, and changes needed to happen quickly. Like so many of us in that situation, we ran around building new relationships and trying to build sales back up, we were successful - but not enough. But then we started to do something differently. We built a plan around how we could nurture better relationships with our current customers. See if we could get to know them better and serve them with real value. This meant that most of the time we interacted with them we were offering up solutions and information that they weren't going to need to pay for. An amazing thing happened. As our relationships with them deepened, because we were serving them in their true needs and no longer selling them, we were able to gain their trust and additional business. Michael Walsh shared his model for this with us. Make it a great day,Govindh@WiseNapkin