Live the Picture - Jack Daly (Speaker, Trainer, Coach, & Author)
Jack Daly is an inspiring, enthusiastic, and dynamic entrepreneur and speaker. The last time he was on the show, Jack shared the way he cultivated the skills he has now and followed a painstakingly detailed plan for his success. This time Jack shares with us the lessons he learned while training for and competing in the Ironman competition. He makes a clear parallel between preparing himself to compete in the Ironman competition and business.
The Ironman competition is a three part triathlon competition consisting of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bicycle ride, and 26.2 mile marathon. It’s a daunting goal that requires substantial endurance and training, but more than that it requires a plan. Jack attributes his successful completion of the Ironman competition to 7 aspects and he believes that they are as essential to success in business as they are to the triathlon. If you want success, Jack says you need: A vision of where you’re going, a playbook or a game plan, a coach or a model to learn from, practice, you need to measure your improvement, take care of yourself fitness and nutrition wise, and a have good attitude.
The aspects that Jack details for success are seemingly simple, but that’s what makes them tricky. It’s so easy to overlook the obvious but we have to make sure that we’re putting focus on those necessities, putting the work into them every day. We have to make sure we keep whatever vision we started with and that as we move forward, we’re moving forward towards that vision.
Jack says that when he was building a business, he never worked in the company that existed; he worked in the company that he envisioned. That’s important. Having that clear sense of where you want to go keeps you on target. See yourself in that place, act in a manner consistent with being there - now. Don't wait for the future to appear to begin behaving in the manner you'd need to in order to succeed in that space. Do it now. If we do this, he says, it’s a matter of following his seven step process..
Since completing his first Ironman competition, Jack has gone on to complete a dozen more. He carries an 8 ½ by 11 photo of himself crossing the Ironman finish line in Africa. Before each race, he visualizes crossing the finish line again. He literally carries around his vision with him, and more than that, he works until he lives that picture.
Ask yourself, what’s your vision? If you could have a picture of it, what would that look like? Figure it out in great vivid detail. What does it look like across that finish line. If you figure out what’s in your picture and carry that vision around with you, be it literally as Jack does or metaphorically, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.
If you happen to see Jack out and about, ask him about that picture, he guarantees he’ll have it with him. Can you say the same about yours, is it at the ready to be shared? Is it ready to be lived?
Listen to my conversation with Jack here: