No Such Thing as too Tactical ...
So many times I will be speaking in front of a group of entrepreneurs and they will eventually say that they don't want to get "stuck in the weeds" when talking about how they're going to implement their vision or strategy. They don't realize that their vision will remain in their dreams without execution.
When did that happen?
Leaders, when did strategy and execution get separated? Let's get them back together. They really are a magical couple. Mark Moses is one of the top CEO coaches in the world and he shares that entrepreneurs that do measurably better in business, time after time, have a better understanding of HOW they are going to realize their vision and measure their progress fanatically along the way. Jack Daly, who has grown multiple companies from 0 to 100s of millions in sales, would agree. He measures everything and it's all about focus and execution. The only way to birth your idea, your plan, your vision into the real world is to have a meaningful understanding of the twists, the turns, the trials, the tribulations you will face along the way. Then you can fanatically measure your progress, because you know what progress looks like. Make it a great day,Govindh@WiseNapkin