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Time to Invest in This ...

I made a startling discovery some time ago, one that has me very intrigued in a whole new type of investing. As an entrepreneur, I'm always looking for emerging opportunities and they come in various forms. To whittle down the list of distractions and opportunities I use a number of filters. I love these filters otherwise I'd be chasing every squirrel or shiny object that comes across my path. Among the filters are alignment with my overall vision and core values. I need to feel very confident that I have the resources to be able to execute quickly in the business area and finally - we have to have the competencies as a team to be world-class. Every time that I've strayed from these filters I've had problems. Unfortunately, some of those have even come recently - so I have proceeded with great caution and commitment to my filters ever since. That said, this new opportunity has me pretty excited. It's not without its element of fear, however, and in this case I think it's a good thing. My filter on fear is that if I'm feeling fear because I'm thinking about something in a new way, or doing something as a leader that I've never done before, then know that's good. As a reminder - I firmly believe that fear to us entrepreneurs, leaders, and difference-makers is the same as the "burn" that you feel at the gym when pushing through that extra set. We need to feel the burn to grow stronger in the gym. Fear is the same feeling for our "leadership" muscle. Sharing this thing with you has me feeling a little of that healthy fear. Partially because the only way I think it works is if we make this an open source opportunity. I know - crazy. Here's more: I've been doing research and use of my target is at an all time low. We know if there is a lack of use of a good or service its value will go down over time, right? That's pretty simple Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" of economics theory. I've plotted the use since the early 1800s (with help from Google) and this is what I've found:

Ok - here's the reveal. The graph to the right tracks the use of the word faith (in red) and Faith (in green) in all documented written work in the English language since 1800. I found this graph surprising. For the purposes of this opportunity, let's define faith as the belief in something we cannot prove, or even complete confidence or trust in someone or something. What's interesting is that from a low somewhere around the late 1980s or early 1990s to now there has been a resurgence of faith. Barret Ersek, founder and CEO of two highly successful companies, shared on his Paper Napkin Wisdom that "fear is the opposite of faith," and that fear is prison, while faith is freedom. Perhaps it's that when the going got tough following the 80s and 90s and the challenges of the market, the world, and other dynamics erupted that we've opted for faith. K. Bill Dost, who owns and operates a high-growth corporate finance multinational, shared that "there are times when you will wake up afraid," and suggests grabbing a double helping of faith is what's needed to get through. So, I'm using a technique I've learned from Steve Satterwhite called "shout outs." I want you to know right now that I have faith in you - you can do it. Yes, as part of this - I have faith in myself, my family, my community, my team, and my business. But this is about you. Right now you are facing a challenge. You may be feeling some doubt. Perhaps you're starting down a different path - a new business, relationship. Or maybe you were just at a conference and someone told you something that you're lacking the confidence to attempt wholeheartedly. Stop doubting, start doing. I have faith in you - you can do it. Right now know that I have faith in you. Yes, the internet can seem a little anonymous. But I am not hiding, and neither are you. So, if you want to make sure that I meant this message for YOU, then leave me a comment, send me a message, or tweet using @WiseNapkin. If you do that, I will send you a message confirming my faith in you - because I believe. Andy Bailey sent me a card recently that said, "you're already in pain, you're suffering, might as well get a reward for it." This is my reward, that through all the pain, all the tough times in the last several years - I have faith in you. There are some that would say that it's foolish to have such complete confidence and trust in someone. I disagree. Some would say it's foolish to believe in something that I cannot prove. I say they're wrong. Here's something else I believe. I'm investing in faith and I believe you will too. I believe that right now - you will tell someone who needs to hear it that you have faith in them too. That you believe in them. As an entrepreneur, leader, and difference-maker there is no greater impact than we can have than to elevate those around us. Take the time, invest your faith in someone, and let them prove you right. I know some of you might feel the need to hold back, but don't. Don't be afraid ... go all-in! Another thing, if you go all-in, I 100% guarantee the ROI will be incredible and exceed your expectations.


About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.


This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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